Preparing for e–Assessment on SLS
As we gear up for e-assessments, here are some handy tips from the SLS team to ensure a smooth experience,

Check that all students are able to access SLS. Perform password resets before e-assessment day (if needed).
Create a passcode for students in your class group if they forget their passwords on the day of the e-assessment.
Provide invigilating teachers “Co-Teacher” rights to the class group.
Use SLS’s Print-Friendly feature to print hard copies of the e-assessment as back-up. This allows students to complete the e-assessment if they are unable to access SLS or the e-assessment on the day of assessment.
Take photos/screenshots of students’ responses if they are unable to submit their e-assessment, which can then be uploaded to SLS for marking.
Find out more information on how to conduct e-assessments on SLS!