SLS — Designed for Learning
What is SLS
The Singapore Student Learning Space (SLS) is the Ministry of Education’s core platform for teaching and learning and one of its key initiatives to transform the learning experiences of Singaporean students through the purposeful use of technology.
The SLS is continually being developed in response to the needs of students and teachers. Curriculum-aligned resources and system tools are continually being improved and developed in line with suggestions and feedback from teachers and students to cater to students’ diverse and evolving learning needs.
The SLS’s agile development allows it to quickly adapt to new demands from users or policy changes. It is also built as an open system that can supplement its core resources and features with external content and tools.
1. Learn Deeper
A one-stop hub providing students with MOE-aligned resources in formal curriculum and the development of 21CC skills, as well as avenues for collaborative and self-directed learning.
2. Teach Better
Support for teachers with a wide range of tools to enhance Teaching and Learning aligned to MOE e-pedagogy principles and practices.
3. Built Leaner
Open and modular architecture supporting external apps and content which are constantly improved through stakeholder feedback and agile development processes.