(A1,1) Navigate an Assignment
(A1,1) Navigate an Assignment
There are two ways to navigate around an Assignment - from the Module Plan or Activity List.
Important: You may not have access to all Sections of the Module when it is first assigned to you.
Navigate an Assignment using Module Plan
- To navigate an Assignment, click the Module Plan icon
found in the Activity List.
- The Module Plan will indicate the Assignment title, Class Group, Start and Due Date of the Assignment, Assignment Status and Sharing permission (if any). It will also reflect your Assignment completion process. Completed Activities/Sections are indicated with a tick
- The yellow navigation arrow
will indicate the current Activity/Section you are on.
- Within the individual Section cards, you will see details such as the Section title, Section Start and Due Dates, Section completion status, and the number of Activities/Team Quizzes (if any) the Section contains.
- To view the Activities within a Section, click Show Activities ( ). The number in parenthesis shows the number of activities in a particular Section.
- To access a particular Activity within a Module/Section, select the Activity.
Navigate an Assignment using Activity List
There are two different views for Activity Lists - Simplified Module Plan (collapsed) which only shows the Section alphabet and Activity number or the Simplified Module Plan (expanded) Full Activity List which shows the title of the Activities/Sections.
Note: If you do not see any alphabets or numbers, it is because your teacher has hidden the Section and Activity numbers.
- From the Simplified Module Plan (collapsed), toggle between Activities/Sections by clicking the respective Section icons
and Activity icons
Click the Expand Activity List icon icon
to open the Simplified Module Plan (expanded). Toggle between Activities /Sections by clicking the respective Activity/Section Titles.
Note: To view the Activities within a Section, click the Section icon or Title.
Sections are indicated as alphabets while Activities are indicated as numbers. The first Section will be shown as "A" and the next Section as "B". The first Activity will be shown as "1" and the next Activity as "2".
Alternatively, to navigate through the Assignment progressively, use the left/right arrows at the bottom of each Activity.
Note: If there is more than one section, double arrows at the bottom of each Activity can be used to navigate to the previous/next section.
At the end of the Module/Section, you will see the Module/Section End page.
Note: For Sections, click Next Section to proceed. The Section Cover of the next Section will appear.
Section Prerequisites
- For some Assignments, your teacher may set prerequisites for each section to be unlocked. An assignment with Section Prerequisites will have a Restricted Section Status and a Lock icon
displayed on the Section Cover page.
To view the prerequisites for a Section, click Prerequisites ( ) on the Section Cover page. Click the Section from the Section Prerequisites pop-up to move to the uncompleted Section.
Note: The number in parenthesis shows the number of Section Prerequisites you are required to complete before you can access the restricted section.
Section Prerequisites are indicated with a Lock icon
in the Module Plan and Activity List.
- After you have completed a Section Prerequisite, you will see the Section Prerequisite Unlocked in the Section End page. Click Unlocked Sections ( ) to view the Sections you can now access.
Activity Prerequisites
- For some Assignments, your teacher may set prerequisites for each activity to be unlocked. An assignment with Activity Prerequisites will have a Restricted Activity Status and a Lock icon
displayed on the Activity page.
- To view the prerequisites for an Activity, click Prerequisites ( ) on the page. Click the Activity from the Activity Prerequisites pop-up to access the incomplete Activity.
- Activity Prerequisites are indicated with a Lock icon in the Module Plan and Activity List.
- After you have fulfilled an Activity Prerequisite, you will see the Activity Prerequisite unlocked on top of the Activity page.