About Gamification
About Gamification
Gamification allows game-based elements to be introduced in your Module. The game-based elements introduced include Experience Points (XP) and Levels, Game Stories, and Achievements.
You can earn bonus XP or receive lesser XP as you attempt the Module based on XP modifiers set by your teacher.
Glossary of Terms
Experience Points (XP) - XP is awarded to you to measure your progress within the game. XP is converted from marks awarded from your Assignment/Assessment.
Levels - Levels are dependent on the XP collected. When you collect enough XP, you can level up (progress to the next level).
Game Stories - You can read about the scenario your teacher has designed for you as you progress in the module
Collectibles - There are three types of Collectibles:
- Achievements - These are rewards awarded to you as you progress in the module.
- Avatar - These are characters or items awarded to you. You may replace your SLS avatar with avatars you obtained as you progress in the module.
- Digital Badges - These special badges created by the authors of MOE Library modules, can be awarded to your profile once you meet the specified conditions while completing these modules.
Did You Know:
Gamified Modules are indicated with the Gamification icon on Assignment cards.
View Digital Badges
- You can locate your Digital Badges by clicking on your avatar at the top corner.
- You can view your classmate’s Digital Badges by going to a Class Group and clicking View Members.
- Click on your classmate's avatar.