Young Overseas Singaporeans
Young Overseas Singaporeans
MOE has rolled out SLS to all national schools from primary, secondary to junior colleges since 25 May 2018. SLS is also available to schools outside of the national school system, including NIE users, seconded EOs and Young Overseas Singaporeans (aged 7 to 16).
How can Young Overseas Singaporeans request for SLS accounts?
Young Overseas Singaporeans can obtain access as follows:
Students on Leave of Absence (LOA) from a Singapore school should request for continued access to the SLS through the school. If you are granted LOA you will remain as a registered student of your current school. You can then be re-admitted to your current school directly after returning to Singapore. Your school will provide you with support in administrative and academic areas, including access to SLS. More information on the LOA scheme can be found here.
Young Overseas Singaporeans who are not on LOA from a Singapore school but intend to return to Singapore’s education system can apply for access to the SLS through this application form.