eSBA on SLS (for Secondary Schools and JCCIs)
e-SBA on SLS
The fundamental principle of e-assessment remains the same as it is for pen-and-paper mode. Key principles of fairness, reliability and validity remain central when deciding the appropriate mode of and approach to assessments. Where appropriate, schools can choose to implement school-based e-assessments (e-SBAs) via SLS.
For subjects with a National e-examination component, schools can refer to these subject specific guides (requires iCON account) in using SLS to conduct e-assessments in an exam setting:
Schools can also refer to the steps below when implementing e-SBA via SLS:
1. Create a teacher-marked quiz in SLS. Closed-ended questions (such as MCQ, Fill-In-The-Blank) will still be auto-marked. A teacher-marked quiz, allows the teacher to decide when to release the quiz to the students, just like the pen and paper test or exam.
How to create a teacher-marked quiz in SLS: |
2. These are specimen papers in SLS Community Gallery that you can adapt:
a. N(T) Level Music Paper 1 -
b. O Level Exercise and Sports Science -
c. N(T) Level English Language Paper 1 -
d. N(A) Social Studies Digital Answer Booklet (this is not a specimen paper) -
How to assign or make a copy of a SLS Community Gallery Lesson: |
3. Setters may wish to adopt current practices of setting the paper in hardcopy format and follow through with the hardcopy vetting process.
4. E-author the final version of the vetted paper in SLS and organise a review session to finalise the e-version.
Before the e-SBA in SLS,
1. Assign the teacher-marked quiz to an existing Class Group or SLS-created Class Group. Add invigilating teacher(s) with “co-teacher” rights to the Class Group.
How to add “Owner” rights to a Class Group: |
2. When assigning the teacher-marked quiz,
a. Schedule the Start Time to be the same as the stipulated Start Time:
3. When assigning the teacher-marked quiz,
a. Schedule the Start Time to be the same as the stipulated Start Time;
b. Change the setting of the teacher-marked quiz to an “assessment”. By doing so, the SLS assessment will not appear on students’ “To-Do” Dashboard, and they can only access the SLS assessment when teachers share the URL.
4. Make a copy of the URL of the SLS assessment.
How to set assignment as assessment on SLS: |
5. Share the URL with the Desktop Engineer (DE), who will create a Browser Shortcut on the Student Desktop. Work with the DE if the URL needs to be updated prior to the e-SBA. For more information on how to check the e-SBA URL, you may watch a video guide here:
During the e-SBA in SLS,
1. Students will double click on the browser shortcut on their desktop.
2. Ask students to log into SLS. Students will be on the SLS assessment page.
3. Remind students to submit the SLS assessment after checking.
4. If students accidentally submit without completing, the teacher can un-submit the assessment and it will be returned to the students for them to complete the remaining questions.
How to un-submit a Teacher-marked Quiz: |
After the e-SBA in SLS,
1. Pause the SLS assessment. This prevents unauthorised access after the e-SBA.
1. Mark the open-ended responses. Closed-ended responses are auto-marked. If you have activated use of ShortAnsFA or LangFA-EL, the responses will be auto-marked.
How to mark a Teacher-marked Quiz: |
2. Indicate allocated marks.
3. If rubrics is activated, marks can be easily adjusted.
1. After completion of marking, resume the SLS assessment.
How to resume an Assignment (which in this case is an assessment): |
2. Change the assessment back to an assignment. The assignment will appear in Students’ Assignment List.
3. Release the assignment to the students.
How to release a Teacher-marked Quiz: |
4. Students will be able to locate the “completed” SLS assignment in their “Assignments” list.
5. Students who were absent and did not attempt the SLS assessment will also be able to locate the uncompleted SLS assignment in their “Assignments” list.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I print the scripts?
The system currently does not support the printing of students’ scripts for marking. Teachers are encouraged to make use of the e-marking features such as commenting and use of rubrics with auto-computation of marks.
2. Can I download the marks and responses?
At “Monitor Assignment”, download Marks and Responses in separate MSExcel files.
3. Can I specify all possible answers for the editing question (English Language)?
Specify all possible answers and indicate that answers need not be case sensitive. However, as there may be other unanticipated but acceptable answers arising from minor misspelling, any subsequent changes to the marking scheme will need to be separately processed offline. Teachers can identify additional acceptable responses and manually adjust marks awarded to students offline.
4. Can I over-write the marks allocated for auto-marked responses?
Any subsequent changes to the marking scheme will need to be separately processed offline. Teachers can identify additional acceptable responses and manually adjust marks awarded to students offline.
5. Can I create a URL Shortener for the SLS Assessment URL?
Teachers can consider using a URL Shortener. If the URL Shortener is used, please whitelist the URL in the Service Request Form when making an application for the Lockdown Account. For example,
• whitelist if bitly is used
• whitelist if used