Empower Students to be Self Directed Learners
Empower Students to be Self Directed Learners (#Self_Study_With_SLS)
What it is
There are different tools that you can use to guide students in their self-study.
Why do it
We can encourage students to be independent and self-directed learners by providing them with a platform where they can have access to ample resources for self-study.
What to expect
- (New in R19) The Self-Study List helps students take control of their own learning by consolidating their self-study attempts into one list for easy tracking.
- You can share resources from the MOE Library, Community Gallery, and My Drive with your students in Class Groups, under the Resources tab.
- Students can use the Forum in Class Groups to share resources with each other for self-studying.
- Allow students to copy Assignments that they have not attempted to his or her My Drive folder to enable self-study.