Government agencies communicate via websites (e.g. Trusted websites
Look for a lock () or https:// as an added precaution. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.
(A1) Create MOE Library Resources
Explore SLS Functions
(A1) Activate Teacher Account
(B1) Prepare Student Accounts through School Cockpit
(B2) Inform Parents of Student SLS IDs
(B3) Initiate Student Account Activation
(B4) Monitor Student Activation
(C1,i) Reset Passwords
(C1,ii) Unlock SLS Accounts
About Manage Users
(D1,i) Export Full User List
(D1,ii) Verification Exercise
(E1) Manage Subjects (For Schools Not Using School Cockpit)
(F1) Manage Class Groups
(G1) Generate Reports
(A1) Manage School Announcements
(A2) Manage Modules (Enhanced)
(A3) Manage Media
(A4) Add Digital Badges to a Module (New)
(B1,i) Generate CCPM Reports
(B1,ii) Manage Owner Groups
(B1,iii) Manage Content Maps (Enhanced)
You can refer to the following User Guide pages to find out how you can: